Vom 2.-10. August 2022 veranstalten wir in Klosterneuburg bei Wien eine internationale Jugendbegegnung für queere Menschen (und Allies!), die lernen möchten, Wikipedia-Artikel zu bearbeiten, zu übersetzen und zu schreiben. Wir werden gemeinsam Artikel zu verschiedenen LGBTQI+-Themen und -Personen schreiben, aber auch queere Themen diskutieren und Solidarität untereinander aufbauen. Die Jugendbegegnung ist offen für Menschen zwischen 18 und 30 Jahren, die in Österreich leben, aber auch Armenien, Frankreich, Spanien, Schweden und Tunesien. Englisch wird daher die Hauptsprache zwischen den Teilnehmer*innen sein.

Wikipedia for Peace: Queer [Edit]
Youth Exchange | 2-10 August 2022 | Vienna, Austria
What is this project about?
There is a representation problem on Wikipedia. Some groups are better represented
than others. Only 17% of all biographies on English Wikipedia are about women, a lot of
content about the Global South is missing. Also queer people – Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals,
Trans* and Inter* people – are underrepresented.
A queer summer camp around learning how to edit Wikipedia. We want to gather young
people living in Armenia, Austria, France, Spain, Sweden and Tunisia for a summer camp in
Vienna around Wikipedia. We want to edit, translate and add content on Wikipedia around
queer people, queer concepts and queer history. And at the same time, we want to cook
together, discuss LGBTI+ issues, go hiking and build queer solidarity across countries and
Let‘s make Wikipedia more queer! Through the articles that we write we hope to increase
the visibility of LGBTI+ issues on Wikipedia in different languages and also build knowledge
fundaments for international understanding and solidarity between queer people. And we
want to attract more young queer people to the project to begin with!
Logistics and financial conditions
Simple life: The project will take place in a scouts center with simple living conditions. We
will sleep in shared bedrooms.
Vienna is close, but also not. The venue is in the outskirts of Vienna. The next subway station from our venue is 25 minutes by bus, so it is not a central location. We will have a free afternoon with the option of a city tour in the program and might make small trips to the city. Please be aware that if you want to properly explore the city, you will need to stay a few days before or after the project.
Money, money, money: We can cover all essential costs of the program (including food,
travel costs up to a maximum amount per country, visa costs, accommodation and content) through a European project grant by Erasmus+.
Sustainable food: The food we provide will be vegan with vegetarian options. This is a
practical decision and also a political decision because of the impact of animal agriculture on the climate and the planet. Please tell us in the application form if you have specific foods, tolerances, diets or allgeries that you would like to communicate.
Sustainable travels?: We ask you to come to this project through more sustainable means of transport rather than flying (e.g. train/bus), if somehow possible. We will give you more
support on how you can reach the venue once you are accepted to the project.
Who can participate?
Be queer, questioning or a strong ally. This project is made by LGBTQIA+ people for
LGBTQIA+ people or those who are still on discovery for their sexual or/and gender identity.
With this project, we want to create a safer space for all of those of us who identify with being trans*, inter*, non-binary, lesbian, gay, bisexual, pansexual, asexual and queer.
People with multiple discriminations prioritized. We will prioritize applications by
LGBTQIA* people who also experience other forms of discrimination (e.g. racism, classism,
ableism). We also want to include diverse identities within the LGBTIQA+ community. We will do our best to make the project a safer space and take the individual needs of the
participants into account. Unfortunately, the accommodation is not accessible by wheelchair.
No previous experience with Wikipedia needed. The project will teach you all the basics, if you are a newcomer. If you are already experienced with Wikipedia, you can support others or just start editing right away.
Vaccinated or recovered ideally. At the moment, there are no entrance rules around
COVID-19 anymore for Austria. But due to the constantly changing situation, this might
change and then we would inform you.
Living in Armenia, Austria, France, Spain, Sweden or Tunisia and be between 18 and
30! We unfortunately cannot make exceptions due to our funding. The “group leader” from
each country can also be above 30 years old.
Be able to participate in the whole period 2-10 August 2022! Due to our funding, we
cannot reimburse you for your travels or other expenses if you arrive late to the project or
leave early.
How can I apply?
If you live in Austria, please apply here as soon as possible:
If you live in Armenia, France, Spain, Sweden or Tunisia, please write a short email to
thomas.schallhart@gmx.at and we will connect you with your sending organisation.

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